Ready to make a splash, but you’re up against the clock?


Speed Boost®

Brand and website in 3 weeks

Many firms struggle to develop a cohesive brand identity while also running the business, which can hurt momentum and impact fundraising.

Speed Boost® is designed to jumpstart your brand’s presence, delivering essential branding elements and a website with unmatched speed and quality.

Their words, not ours

“We got an amazing brand and website and loved how quickly you were able to deliver for us.”


Nikolas Huth, B3 Capital

“The branding you’ve helped create is timeless, which means it won't require frequent changes or revamps. It's a long-term investment that will continue to resonate with our target audience.”


How it works


You’ll get our brand workbook, MindShift, as homework before we kickoff the brand sprint. This allows us to build your brand on a strong foundation and to discover your what makes your brand special.


Next, we’ll create 2 complete design directions, including logo, typography, color scheme, social media, home page design, photo direction, and collateral such as business cards or branded apparel.


After the design sprint, we’ll take the finished brand direction and build your new website. Many VCs opt for a one-page site and we provide the option of a 1–4 page site including a standout hero section, portfolio, contact, and a blog.


Upon launch of the website, we’ll create a brand guide for you to easily reference and keep your communications consistent across any channel. Includes templates for both social media and presentation decks and all of the brand assets such as color, typography, brand collateral and graphic files for you to use as needed. 


After our 3 week Speed Boost is complete, we provide 1 week for quality assurance to make sure your website is impeccable and you are able to update it as you grow. It’s also a great time to meet for a drink (even virtually) and celebrate this accomplishment. Skol!

Have questions?

Can you really provide quality design in just 3 weeks?
Absolutely. We’ve even finished in 2 weeks before. The only variables are on your end when it comes to completing the MindShift brand workbook and deciding on which of the two design directions to go with.
How much of my time will this require?
6–10 hours of your time, including 2 live meetings. The MindShift brand workbook will take 2–4 hours to complete. We’ll meet to review the workbook (30 min) and then again to present the design directions (30 min). If you want to grab a steak after we launch your new site, let’s do it.
Are there any other costs besides the Speed Boost price?
You’ll need to have or purchase a domain and website hosting. We’re happy to help with this if you’re unfamiliar with the process. 
What if I have other questions?
Send an email to Sean at with any questions, or simply bring them to our call when you schedule it.
How much does it cost?
We provide flat rates based on the urgency and needs of each project. A midpoint price based on the examples above is $25,000. 
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Bonus Round Studio creates strategic branding to give VCs an edge in the investment game.

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Saint Paul
